Enjoy the perfect protein-rich snack in no time at all when you introduce the humble egg to my favorite kitchen appliance—it’s Instant Pot Hard-Boiled Eggs!

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Yes, you read that right. Your search for the perfect snack is over. You’ve found it. And who would have guessed it would end in your Instant Pot?
I am not one for hyperbole. My millions of friends can attest to this. But I truly believe hard-boiled eggs are the perfect snack. Easy to source, easy to make, only slightly difficult to peel. Healthy, simple, cheap!
I would say this about hard-boiled eggs whether I was making them in a pot of boiling water, in the microwave, the oven, or over steam. But when a recipe gives me the opportunity to use my Instant Pot… well, this perfect 10 goes up to 11.
If you find yourself stricken by the mid-afternoon hunger pangs, or wake in the morning with little time to get a half-decent breakfast, this recipe is for you. These eggs can be prepped days in advance or made ad hoc (you haven’t LIVED until you’ve eaten an egg that has JUST been hard-boiled—try them and you’ll see what I mean).
Are Instant Pot Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs Healthy?
Yes, very healthy. Eggs are full of protein, minerals, and vitamins. And unlike, say, fried eggs, hard-boiled eggs don’t require a fat to cook in. The yolks do contain cholesterol but it’s dietary cholesterol, which is important for good health. And because the recipe consists of one, all-natural ingredient, it can be made for those on paleo, keto, Mediterranean, whole30, vegetarian, and gluten-free diets. Everyone wins! (Well, almost everyone. Sorry, vegans.)
How Long Should I Cook The Eggs?
There are a couple of things to consider before we can answer this question with any certainty. First, how big are your eggs? Small, medium, large, extra-large? Size does in fact matter here, with larger eggs taking longer to cook. Note that I use large eggs in this recipe, so the times are based on this. The other thing to consider is your preference for doneness. If you like medium-set eggs, cook them for five minutes. If you like them fully set, cook them for seven minutes. Fully set eggs are totally dry in the yolk, while medium-set eggs aren’t runny but do have an almost-creamy consistency that I love.
- 1 cup water
- 6-12 large eggs

Set up Instant Pot with water and trivet, add eggs.
Pressure cook eggs; adjust time for desired doneness.
Cool & Peel
Chill eggs in ice water, then peel.

FAQs & Tips
Just follow all the recipe steps, including the last one that tells you to give them an ice bath. This will prevent them from continuing to cook out of the Instant Pot. Then store them in a Ziploc bag or airtight container (you can even put them back in the carton) and keep them in the fridge for no longer than a week.
It all has to do with salmonella. In the U.S., for instance, they focus on decontaminating the egg’s shell, which they wash and sanitize. By doing so, however, they remove the shell’s protective layer, leaving it susceptible to bacteria. Consequently, it’s general practice here to keep the eggs in the fridge. In, say, the U.K., on the other hand, they combat salmonella by vaccinating the hens, so they don’t need to scrub the eggs and don’t need to refrigerate them.
You can cook eggs several different ways. I am in love with my Instant Pot, which grants me total control over the temperature and time, though you can rely on the conventional method of adding them to boiling water, if you prefer. You can also steam them, air-fry them, microwave them… you can even do them in the oven, if you like.

Serving Suggestions
Now that you have your hard-boiled eggs, what do you do with them? Well, I’m glad you asked. Personally, I add a bit of salt and pepper and eat them straight away. But you can add them to egg salads, potato salads, turn them into Deviled Eggs, or pickle them. You can even use one as a garnish for this Coconut Slow-Cooker Curry with Pumpkin, Quinoa, and Eggs. Eggs lend themselves to myriad dishes; have fun seeing which of your favorites they work best with.

Instant Pot Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs
- 1 cup water
- 6-12 large eggs
Pour 1 cup of water into a 6-quart Instant Pot. Place the metal trivet inside the pot.
Carefully arrange the eggs on the trivet. Seal the Instant Pot lid and set the manual high-pressure cooking time for 5 minutes for medium-cooked yolks or 7 minutes for fully set yolks.
Once the cooking cycle is complete, perform a quick pressure release according to the Instant Pot’s instructions. Immediately transfer the eggs to a bowl of iced water for 1 minute to halt the cooking process.
Drain the eggs and peel them. The shells should come off easily after the ice bath.
The post Instant Pot Hard-Boiled Eggs appeared first on Food Faith Fitness.