Trevor W., a 35-year-old therapist and Man Flow Yoga Member, had lower back pain that agonized him. After visiting his doctor, he found out that he had a bulged disc in his lower back.
Before scheduling surgery, his doctor recommended physical therapy to see if he could fix his herniated disc without surgery. So Trevor found a physical therapist, and then he also went the extra mile: Trevor knew that yoga and physical therapy, while different, are similar, so he also joined a few studio yoga classes. But the yoga classes were never a great fit. He was often the only man in the classes. The instructor taught yoga for women’s more flexible bodies, which meant he always struggled with certain poses. He never felt fully comfortable in the classes: They felt exclusive and clique-y. And scheduling time in the yoga studio became impossible with his heavy workout.
That’s when he decided to search for another way to do yoga—and discovered Man Flow Yoga.
The post How Trevor Used Man Flow Yoga To Recover From A Bulged Disc—Both Pre- & Post Surgery (Member Highlight: Trevor W.) appeared first on Man Flow Yoga.