The Sanskrit word, KURUNA, is understood as “compassion.” The word itself has no meaning until it is experienced in action. Two qualities of attitude must be engaged as we shift the mind from thinking to feeling the actual experience of living from the heart. We must be willing to embrace humility inspired by our deeper wisdom and, at the same time, cultivate a quality of gratitude.
These two much-needed attitudes are inspired by the actual living experience of being exposed to the wonders of life itself. Humility is the doorway to our more profound longing to connect to something greater. Accepting uncertainty as a human condition and dropping the armor of shame or guilt that we are not “good enough.” Embracing gratitude in the midst of living in our fears and doubts. Yet being kinder as we learn to embrace the changes. To be grateful for the opportunity to cultivate a deeper wisdom of living with compassion. It takes great effort or tapas to live from this space of our hearts.
Practicing compassion takes a deep desire to walk in others’ shoes as we calm our fears and doubts with a desire to become aware of our breath. This action is kindness not only to ourselves but to the world. This attitude is introduced in Patanjali’s yoga sutras (1-33) as KURUNA—this willingness to bring our mind into a focused place and let it rest in the heart. Kindness in our thoughts, words, and actions towards ourselves and others allows the entire body and mind to rest in an ease of being present. It only takes a few minutes to shift the perspective. And this shift becomes a practice of living a lifestyle of peaceful possibility.
This is World Kindness Week, so let us embrace the desire to live with compassion for all beings as we notice little acts of kindness. Let us extend a smile as we inhale and inspire the smile into the world as we exhale. Let our actions inspire joy within. Today’s best effort is to be the light in the dark night.
Blessings of love,
Laura Jane