Excited about traveling abroad for your Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) in Rishikesh, India?
That one step is a big leep of commitment, faith and belief in yourself and now as you have already enrolled for the Yoga Teacher Training you are wondering what or how to start packing!
Let’s start with how long you will stay in Rishikesh, what will be the weather like during the period you will be there.
By now you must done some research about the location to ensure that you will be comfortable during the course
In particular if you’ve decided on attending YTT in Rishikesh, India, you should be aware while packing that it caters to the natural environment of this city situated at a high altitude. You would need to take cultural factors as well into consideration.
Here is a list of important items you should have in your baggage:
Seasonal Clothes, Footwears and Accessories
Checking the weather in Rishikesh is important before you start putting on your clothes. If you are visiting in autumn or winter, pack warm clothing, shawls, and cardigans. It is also sufficient to have one or two jackets.
In summer or spring, pack light with breathable t-shirts, shorts, yoga pants, flip flops, and hats/caps. In addition to providing relief on sunny days, a scarf can also be used as a head cover when visiting religious places.
Please keep decent clothes in case you want to explore the city to respect the fact that Rishkesh is a holy city that follows traditions and culture.
In Rishikesh, most branded skin-care and personal hygiene products are readily available in supermarkets and grocery stores. However if you wish to carry your own stuff than you may carry basic items like.
Toothbrush, toothpaste and shaving items
Nail clippers and filers
Body / Face Wash
Moisturizer and sunscreen (mandatory for summers)
Towels (for bath and face)
These are some common items that you will need on a daily basis.
Important: Make sure if you use any medically prescribed items than you must carry them along with you.
Tip: You can always avoid carrying big shampoo and conditioner containers, unless you use a special brand or medicated ones, travel size bottles or even pouches can be easily bought in stores.
Medicines and Supplements
Your prescribed medicines, if you take any, it is a must to carry. Try to keep some additional dosages as you may or may not find the exact brand of medicine you are prescribed.
For diabetic people, make sure you are packing your insulin properly to prevent damage while traveling.
Keep some pain relief ointment and medicine as there are chances of your body getting sore due traveling or jet-lag.
You should keep basic medicines handy for any sort of stomach problems, fever, and allergies.
Eye drops also become an essential item when you study.
If you take supplements of a particular brand then you must carry them otherwise you can always buy the local store in Rishikesh.
The yoga school or the retreat location would have been sanitized keeping in line with the COVID rules, still it is a good practice to carry a sanitizer.
A Light Carry Bag or Backpack
It is always great to travel light as you always like to have some space left if you feel like taking some memories/stuff back from Rishikesh!.
It is advisable that you fit your stiff in a lightweight yet sturdy backpack, while also keeping in another small carry-on bag for when you have to travel within Rishikesh.
Journals and Notepads
Since you are going to attend a training program, it is essential that you keep a couple of journals or notebooks and a few pens or pencils for the notes. Your yoga school may or may not provide them, so to be on a safer side, pack them with your stuff. If not, there are stationery shops in Rishikesh where you can buy a notepad and pens at reasonable costs.
Since Rishikesh is a yoga hub, you can also find many yoga related literature in local bookstores that you want to read.
Other Tid-Bits
While the above were some important essentials, keeping below items may come in handy:
Torch or headlamp – for the times when there is no power back-up when the lights go out.
Sleeping bag – If you are taking a train you may want to carry this!
Chargers for your electronics – do not forget chargers for your phone, kindle, and/or ipad since they are expensive to buy and you might not find their alternatives easily.
Umbrella – for the rainy season or the sunny days!
Small Sewing Kit – could be helpful in emergencies!
A fanny pack – to keep your valuables with you at all times.
A first aid kit – band aids, antiseptic ointment and liquid, cotton swabs, etc. could help.
Ear-plugs – if you are a light sleeper or you want a quality sleep.
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