There’s something big happening in the collective, call it a breakdown or what you will, I’m leaning towards terms such as a shift, an awakening, a shedding of old paradigms and beliefs.
It is commonly known amongst sages and healers alike that most big shifts are precipitated by a form of crisis, more specifically referred to as the healing crisis. Whatever we are going through currently, whether on an individual level or an a global scale, is hinting at us at everything we have left unconscious within ourselves. If one fails to bring awareness to the hidden parts of the self, life will usually make a point out of trying to make conscious that which is left unconscious, in one way or another.
Willingly inviting our shadows to be brought to our open awareness can help alleviate our situation and heal whatever needs to be healed. Currently, racism is a big topic that a lot of us haven’t known how to address and quite frankly have feared, as there are seemingly many pitfalls to be had in the dialogue. Regardless, the most important thing is that it’s brought into the light of day. The uprising that we are witnessing is a reaction to the amount of repression and resistance there has been to fully heal and look at it at its root and core.
So what is the root exactly? The root is us. Each and every single one of us. I’m not here to say that all of us are racists and that we are to blame for the corrupt system that suppresses its diverse minorities, what I am saying though is that though we may not have actively created this system, our ignorance does keep it in place, so it is us up to us, to look within to see where distorted beliefs and separation based paradigms may still be held within us, in both small and big ways.
In Yoga we learn to come back to the truth of our divine union, and through the devoted practice we may awaken to experience it through and beyond our bodies. Yoga is now becoming a necessity, not only on the mat but in every scene of life, especially the ones we have neglected the most. Our work lies in digging deep within ourselves and releasing the illusory veils of our seeming separation, and much like a Bodhi Sattva, practice true and active compassion. A Bodhi Sattva, in buddhist tradition, is one who though on the path to become a buddha abstains from attaining enlightenment until all people have been salvaged from their illusion.
With such grace we must come to see that the suffering of our brothers and sisters is the very place where our own work continuously lies. Yoga, now more than ever, is the relinquishing of our fears, procrastinations, and our prejudice and the movement into heart centered being and aligned action. If we truly wish to live in a world governed by unconditional love and genuine kindness, it starts within us all, reaches the tip of our fingers and extends naturally to everyone around us.
Much love,